Category: Seville

Travelling With 2 Under 2

Exploring We Did Go

Today we had brunch at an amazing spot Desayunos that was in Barrio La Macarena which was about a 15 minute walk for us. The breakfast was a hit and the Blueberry muffin we ordered for our son came with vanilla icing so the added sugar was great to start the day… We did a little shopping in …

Travelling With 2 Under 2

Real Alcázar de Sevilla

We knew we would enjoy this day. Visiting the Alcázar had us pretty excited since we arrived in Seville so we wanted to get there pretty early and take our time enjoying the Palace inside and out. We had a few things we wanted to do beforehand though so we stopped for a morning coffee with …

Travelling With 2 Under 2

The Temperature is Rising

Seville, the capital of Andalusia is a beautiful and romantic city. An under appreciated culinary hotspot and also one of the hottest cities in Western Europe. When you are walking through the narrow streets covered in shade and you see an unshaded intersection looming ahead, you start to lose faith that you will make it through …